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Start your journey to clarity. Understanding your skin concern is the key to finding targeted, effective solutions that enhance your skin's and scalp’s health and appearance.
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Curious about your skin's & scalp’s needs?
Start your journey to clarity. Understanding your skin concern is the key to finding targeted, effective solutions that enhance your skin's and scalp’s health and appearance.
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Rosacea, a skin condition, manifests as facial redness, typically starting after the age of 30 and prone to flare-ups throughout life. It presents with primary signs such as flushing, persistent redness, bumps, pimples, and visible blood vessels. Triggers for rosacea may include sun exposure, temperature fluctuations, stress, alcohol consumption, dietary factors, topical products, and hormonal changes. To manage and minimize flare-ups, it's advisable to use prescribed medicated topical products. Additionally, aesthetic medical treatments are available to reduce redness by targeting and removing visible blood vessels.
Facial psoriasis presents as thick, dry, red, and scaly patches of skin on the forehead, around the eyes, cheeks, or chin, often occurring alongside psoriasis on other body parts. While there is no cure for psoriasis, treatments are available to alleviate symptoms, heal the skin, and restore confidence. Psoriasis is a chronic condition with unpredictable flare-ups and remissions. While high-potency steroid creams may provide relief for some, prolonged use is not recommended. Medical laser treatments are also an option after consulting with a healthcare professional, helping to reduce symptoms and flare-ups.
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